
Worth storing? StoreProtect it. Our storage. Your peace of mind.

We can provide protection for your stored goods on a new replacement basis.

Whilst in storage, your goods are stored at your risk. We strongly recommend you arrange protection for goods in storage for added peace of mind.

We’re pleased to offer extended liability protection under StoreProtect.

StoreProtect is an enhanced contractual liability arrangement that allows customers to purchase additional protection for stored goods (subject to terms and conditions).

If stored goods are lost or damaged, customers who opt for StoreProtect can submit a request to the self storage facility operator to investigate the cause of the loss or damage.

If the operator (or the appointed Claims Administrator) determines that the goods were lost or damaged due a cause that could have reasonably been prevented by the operator, the operator may replace the existing contractual liability limitation in the licence agreement with enhanced liability (up to the customer’s Declared Value) under StoreProtect.

Our liability under StoreProtect is accepted on a new replacement basis for most goods you store.

Please read our Self Storage Licence Agreement and StoreProtect Addendum HERE for full details of the protection offered. You must also read the Target Market Determination, which is linked within the StoreProtect Addendum. StoreProtect is not available for customers outside the stated target market.

To benefit from StoreProtect, you must declare an appropriate new replacement value for all goods stored (the Maximum Replacement Value). This figure must be adequate to include all goods at all times.

If you do not opt for StoreProtect, our standard terms limit our liability to you. By signing our licence agreement, you understand that if your goods are lost or damaged, you may have to bear that loss. Further, if your goods cause any damage or loss, you may be liable for such damage or loss. It is recommended that you arrange other protection or insurance at your own expense for the duration of storage.


Do I have to insure my goods?

A customer can either opt in to StoreProtect (subject to being within the target market), take out insurance or rely on standard contractual liability.

Please refer to our StoreProtect page for more information HERE

How do I arrange StoreProtect?

You must confirm to us that you wish to opt in, provide a Maximum Replacement Value, and agree to pay our additional StoreProtect Fees. StoreProtect can be purchased when arranging storage with us and is also available to existing customers who choose to enter into a replacement Self Storage Licence Agreement. The replacement Agreement contains terms that have been amended following recent changes to consumer protection laws relating to unfair contract terms and includes the StoreProtect Addendum.

StoreProtect is not available for customers outside the target market, including where a customer has taken out insurance for their stored goods.

You must read the Target Market Determination, which is linked within the StoreProtect Addendum. StoreProtect is not available for customers outside the stated target market.

What protection do I get from StoreProtect?

StoreProtect provides extended liability protection for loss or damage to your goods under the Self Storage Licence Agreement and StoreProtect Addendum.

Under StoreProtect, the self storage facility operator accepts a duty of care for stored goods.

If stored goods are lost or damaged, the customer can submit a request to the self storage facility operator to investigate the cause of the loss or damage.

If the operator (or the appointed Claims Administrator) determines that the goods were lost or damaged due a cause that could have reasonably been prevented by the operator, the operator may replace the existing contractual liability limitation in the licence agreement with enhanced liability (up to the customer’s Declared Value) under StoreProtect.

We are not liable for unavoidable causes of loss or damage, such as major flooding incidents, atmospheric/ climatic causes, Acts of God, war and terrorism, for example.

Please read our Self Storage Licence Agreement and StoreProtect Addendum HERE for full details.

How do I calculate my Maximum Replacement Value?

The Maximum Replacement Value you provide for StoreProtect must represent the total current cost of replacing all stored property as new, except the following items where the replacement value is calculated differently:

  • household linen and clothing, where the replacement value allows for the age, quality, degree of use, existing damage and consequent market value;
  • any goods which cannot be purchased new (such as antiques, for example), where the replacement value shall be the current market value; and
  • documents, where the replacement value shall be calculated as the physical cost of replacing the documents and cost of reprinting, re-issue and reconstitution, but excluding the value of the information contained in the documents

If you opt for StoreProtect:

If the Maximum Replacement Value you provide is less than the actual total replacement value of all of your property stored at the time of loss or damage, then our liability under StoreProtect will be reduced to reflect the proportion that your Maximum Replacement Value bears to the actual total replacement value (“Proportional Reduction”).

For example, if the total replacement value of your property is $10,000, but you have declared a Maximum Replacement Value of $5,000, our liability will be reduced by 50%. So, if $3,000 worth of your property is lost or damaged, our liability would be $1,500.

Please read our Licence Agreement and StoreProtect Addendum HERE for further information.